Microservices & Microfrontends

With Microservices becoming more prevalent, many organizations are using this architecture approach to avoid the limitations of large, robust backend systems. While much has been written about worker-side programming, many companies continue to struggle with frontend codebases that are solid.
However,Frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular contain patterns and best practices to assist in developing a single-page application (SPA). The React framework, for example, uses JSX to display information based on changes in the user or data.
SPAs have become commonplace in modern construction, although they aren’t without flaws. There are several drawbacks to use a SPA. One of these is the loss of search engine optimization since the application is not displayed until the user views it in the browser. As a result of Google’s web crawler attempting to render the page but failing, you will lose many keywords necessary to go up the search rankings.
Another shortcoming is the complexity of the structure. As previously said, several structures may provide the SPA experience and allow you to build a great SPA. Still, each aims at different needs, and recognizing which to embrace might be difficult.
It’s also possible that program execution will be a problem. Since the SPA is in charge of all client connection delivery and preparation, it can have a considerable impact on how the client is configured. Not all consumers will need a rapid connection with complex software to operate your application. A smooth customer experience necessitates maintaining a modest box size and minimizing client handling to the most significant degree possible.
Scale is a problem in light of all that has gone before it — making a complex application that meets your client’s needs necessitates a large team of programmers. Many people working on the same code are trying to make changes, and clashing might occur while dealing with a SPA.

So, what’s the answer to all of these issues now?


It’s hard to refute that micro frontend are becoming increasingly popular and are almost always used.
The notion of web apps plays a crucial role in this. Awareness of these modifications is required for programming advancement methods and processes. This can only be achieved by working with a variety of front-end technologies in combination. Micro frontends play a crucial role in this scenario.

Let’s take a closer look at WHAT ARE MICRO FRONTENDS?

When it comes to micro frontends, they are an extension of a microservices architecture, where the utility is extended to the system’s front-end. This is why the use of micro frontends has a wide variety of advantages, such as arrangement autonomy and simpler component testing
It’s no wonder that micro frontends are becoming a popular way to develop web apps. Businesses like IKEA and Spotify have successfully adapted micro frontends to their business models in recent years.

Microservices & Microfrontends| MetaOrange

Extending the microservice idea to frontend development. Techniques, strategies and recipes for building a modern web app with multiple teams

Be agnostic about technology.

Each group should be able to choose and update their own stack without coordinating with other groups to do so. Custom Elements are a great way to hide execution details while offering other people a neutral interface.

Limit the use of the Team Code

Keep the runtime separate, regardless of whether all groups have a similar structure. Produce open-source apps that are self-contained and self-sufficient. Try not to rely on variables that are common to all states or the entire planet.

Team Prefixes Setup

Give up identifying reveals where separation is still beyond the range of possibility. Keep CSS, Events, Local Storage, Cookies out of the way and clarify ownership by naming spacing them.

Construction of Resilient Websites

However, your element should still be helpful, even if JavaScript failed to run at this point. To improve the apparent execution, use Universal Rendering and Progressive Enhancement (PER).

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Best Practices for Micro-Fronted Architecture Construction

• Several architectures may be combined into one meta-system, such as React, Vue, Angular 1, Angular 2, etc.
• A large number of single-page applications may be found at several different URLs. You may utilize NPM or Bower components for apps that have a shared utility.
• Iframes are used to isolate Micro programs on Windows.
• To arrange Post Message APIs and libraries. APIs that are hidden by their parent window can be accessed by I Frames as well.
• Various modules to transfer via an ordinary occasion’s conveyance. In so far as it deals with approaching and active events, each module has its structure to deal with.

Web Applications of Micro Frontend’s Architecture

If you’re going to use Micro Frontend, you’ll want to know what these pieces of the web application consist of. Each of them may be broken down into three distinct types of structures.
• Creation on the customer’s side
• It’s a sideways creation.
• Create a side cut-off creation
App Shell and customer-side prearranging methods are used in customer-side development. Stacking single-page apps with the help of a library or structures such as Luigi is typically feasible.
Use CDN capabilities or on-the-edge calculations for Micro Frontend execution when using edge-side creation.
It’s a mix of structures such as ara framework.org/piral/open-component/tailor.js and others used for worker-side development in web applications.
After a Micro Frontend has been broken down into smaller components, you have the option of navigating between these different systems.

To Sum It Up

If you use Microservices, you’ll get a lot of benefits when it comes to managing a complex program and working on its flow of events and sending and supporting messages.
A remarkable statement, on the other hand, reads as follows: “Anybody can’t give you a way that works for everyone.
Small Frontend is not the panacea for your structural problems, and it has a lot of downsides that go along with it. Micro Frontends can increase the complexity of an application by adding more stores, apparatuses, form/send pipelines, workers, and other places to keep track of. Cross-application communication might be hampered. It can also lead to the duplication of criteria and an increase in the size of the program.
Many factors, such as the size of your organization and the complexity of your application, will influence your decision to implement this architecture. However, regardless of whether it’s a new or legacy codebase, it’s wise to implement the method gradually over time and check its effectiveness after some time.

Blog Date

9 June, 2022


Application Modernization

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